Hello there! Some quick thoughts on what is productivity really and how can you gauge whether you’re productive. Simply put, productivity is a measure of your efficiency. Of the amount of time you put in. And what you have to show at the end of that time in terms of output.
So, how can you tell if you’re productive?
If you’re very clear about how much you’re putting in and what you have as an expectation of your output. Then you can actually measure the gap between your expectation of output. And what you really delivered on a daily basis.
So, simply to judge how productive you are, when you start the day, put down a list of what you expect to achieve by the end of the day. And at the end of the day, simply see how much of it you have been able to achieve. Over a period of time, say 3-4 days or a week, you will actually be able to zero into a percentage of how productive you are.
Hope that helped?
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